Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Here's wishing all of the citizens of Plasticville a great Thanksgiving holiday. I've written recently on my own blog about the many things I am thankful for, but it never hurts to reiterate how much the community that is Plasticville means to me.

As Thanksgiving rolls around every year I still carry on the tradition, formed somewhere in our college years, of declaring it Turkey Time when the turkey goes in the oven. Since we eat our Thanksgiving dinner relatively late in the day, I put the turkey in the oven precisely at noon. I acknowledge that this is a little end run of my solemn obligation to reset all the clocks in the house to 12:00 when the turkey goes in. But hey, I am a lawyer. I need to figure out clever if semi-ethical ways to avoid responsibility.

Thanksgiving also reminds me of some of our college get togethers over the Thanksgiving weekend. I remember hitchhiking from Newton to 2820 Lincoln Way for a Thanksgiving weekend feast. I arrived in Ames by about 10 am. I must admit I was somewhat surprised to find the dinner was already on the table and being devoured by a pack of crazed heathens. Still, I happily pulled up a suitcase (since the apartment was devoid of unused chairs) and dug in.

Again, all the best. Stan