Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Molly and Andrew

A few images from Molly and Andrew's wedding.

First, the happy couple:

To those of us who have been married 25 years (on Tuesday) this looks more accurate (though photos can lie, and this one almost certainly does):

The halls were crowded with tough women:

And even tougher bands of brothers:

If you look carefully, you can see that "Barbie" Lack made an appearance:

No one has challenged the legitimacy of the ceremony. This photo of the presiding officiant was taken AFTER the ceremony:

On Friday night, dem chefs were in action:

And the BarnCam struck:

and struck again:

Even the family of the groom were not immune:

Sometimes during the "night of the living Art" the effects of the BarnCam can be quite startling:

An amazingly great time was had by all!

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